15 month update...
Wow, Mikayla is officially a toddler. The 17th marked her actual due date birthday. Has it really been a year since we brought her home from the NICU? I mean I know time flies when your havin fun and all but wow! We came home weighing in at 5lbs 6 oz, and now over a year later she weighs in at 23.6 lbs and is 31.25 inches long. She is doing so great, I wish you all could see her. SHe is developing into such a little girl. Everyday she is learning and figuring out new things. Being a mom is by far the GREATEST thing I will ever do. I mean just to sit back and watch her figure out "hey, wow..if I stand on this I can reach that..." lol.
Here are what we call the "Birthday Bear" pictures. I take them about every 3 months, it is awesome to see how much she is growing. I want to continue this tradition until she graduates and then when she has kids I will give it to her. Hope they like pink lol!
3 months
6 months
9 months
1 year
15 months
She has 7 teeth now, 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top now!! She loves to eat as long as she can feed herself, she cant do a spoon yet but she likes to try. She gets plain milk supplemented with Pediasure, she still needs a little extra to grow the way they are wanting her to, and to make sure she is getting everything she needs. We are starting to ween from the bottle this week...so far she doesn't think its very cool. We should be testing out of her biggest development team soon, they want her caught up on Gross and Fine motor before we call it quits. She jabbers and talks all the time. Her vocabulary includes around 17 words and is growing every day. She is even starting to put 2 words together like, Kaykay bath or Kaykay bite. Other words in her vocabulary include: Daddy, DaDa, Mom, Momma, Mommy, Hi (she likes to act like she is holding a phone when she says it lol), she also tries to say Gie (Aggie is her puppy and she calls her by yelling GIE!!), she tries to say TaTa (her Aunt Tata is my sister Krista--I couldn't say Krista when I was little), she says Lolu (I love you), no (while pointing usually), bite, bath, bye bye, more, some, mine, Kaykay, Livia (Alivia is her cousin), and tries to say anything you say lol! She loves Peek-a-Boo, and Patty Cake. She blows kisses using only 1 finger lol, copycats everything.. Even the way Eric laughs LOL! Anything that involves music will grab her attention, she loves to sing and dance. Her favorite past time is to take all of the toys out of the bins with her cousin Catch. She thinks finger painting is a blast, and so is sidewalk chalk lol. Here are some pictures:
Finger painting with pudding paint I made for her and Catch...

She loves to dance and anytime she can get someone to dance with her it makes her day.
Dancin with Heath

She loves to cook with me (hang out and snack in her high chair)
Kaykay had her first heartbreak... Her cousin Catch bit her and bless her heart I know it had to hurt (he broke a lil skin) but she only set there with big fat tears runnin down her face looking at him like "why, how could you do that to me"...it was the saddest look I have ever seen.
Kaykay loves her Nanny and Papa and I love these pictures I snatched of them.
(she was hot hot hot so she got to hangout in her diaper for a few)
This is Kaykay at the Rodeo Parade, she liked the horses.

And here she is in her Cowgirl outfit for Rodeo weekend...

Kaykay and her cousins: Catch and Alivia

Fall Pictures...

She is ready for some FOOTBALL!!!

She loves her mittens...

The kids painted these shirts, I helped Kaykay with hers...

She is and I hope always will be, lil Miss Independent. She insists on doing everything by herself...except go to sleep by herself (she still wants held to go to sleep, but then she wants put in her bed). She eats anything we do just in tiny bits. She loves steak and pees the most. She is walking now!!! And no matter how many times she falls she gets right back up and tries again lol. Her forehead shows just how determined she is lol. She is my lil bruiser! Here are some pics from today:
She was walking with the bear

Her hair is getting so long. I was switching her clothes/background to take the new Birthday Bear picture and she wanted me to take her picture again...

I think that about covers most of the things we have to update on. It will be nice to not have to do the RSV shots this season. The only thing we have to do is make sure anyone that has a lot of contact with Kaykay has had a flu shot. But that should be the only kind of shot she has this time. We will have to keep her protected a little longer but soon she will be a normal snotty kid lol!!! Her teams say that by the time she is 3 I can relax and let sniffles just be sniffles...I CANT WAIT!!! lol! I am looking forward to fall activities and Holidays... She already knows what she wants from Santa (at least I know what she is getting lol!) I cant believe the next blog I do will have these things in them, this year is flying by. Well till next time I leave you with this picture of Kaykay on her new couch, she just woke up for the day and has bed head and all!!
12:16 PM | | 0 Comments
Cancer, Addiction, Chaos...
Okay, I know it has been a coons age since I have blogged... however my life has been completely flipped upside down and inside out in August.
At the beginning of the month it was all somewhat normal...Then Dad calls, my step-mom is in rehab...again...thats like 6 times this year or something. So away to Yukon I go to help Dad & the boys clean the house spotless before she gets home, so she isn't overwhelmed (housework isn't her forte). We get it cleaned and go visit her after church... WOW! She is bad. What ever she is coming off of has her out of it. I hate that she abuses med. We come home and I make plans to take my brothers for the next weekend and I head home.
Home for a week, we don't have anything really eventful happen. I go get the boys on Saturday have them till Monday (will blog the weekend w/pics later). The week I took the boys home my Nanny was diagnosed with end stage renal cancer that has spread to her left lung. She is 80, and she said "We will do what we have to do to fight it, to win."
WOW! She is my hero!!!
Next cue my step-mothers psychotic moment... Knowing my dad was going to file for divorce, Tammy goes out and gets a restraining order against my dad for her and the boys. She does this THE DAY BEFORE MY BROTHER, JOEY'S, BIRTHDAY!!! Not only does she have no chance of getting the boys in a custody battle (they will have joint if nothing else, Dad doesn't want to cut Tammy out of their life..she is their mother) now she is dragging two children into a situation they should have been protected from (Like my dad was trying to do).
Oh! and I am working again. I am doing a daycare for my families kids 5 days a week. And I love it!! I love getting to see my niece and nephew on an everyday basis. And my lil bro Greg too. Kaykay likes it too, its an adjustment for everyone but I think its the best for all of them. The kids get 2 balanced meals a day with me, activities to stimulate them and keep them entertained. They also get to have that feeling of the "stay at home mom" experience that my sister and I got growing up.
So that is my life in a nut shell or nut house for the time being. I will also be blogging about some of these in greater detail in their own blogs. So keep a look out for upcoming blogs and more of this chaos I call my life.
12:12 PM | | 0 Comments
A day with the girls...
I am so blessed to have such wonderful girls in my life. Today we all went and got pedicures done, even the babiest girls. We had a wonderful time. My mom had gotten us gift certificates for it for Mother's Day. Nanny and I hadn't used ours yet and Momma and Krista needed to get theres done for vacation. So to the salon we went. They were so wonderful and almost did us all at once, which left left one to take pictures. They even rubbed Kaykay's feet and painted her toe toes too! The chairs are my favorite part, they are deep kneading and heaven!
Enough of my ramblings though, here are pictures...

I will cherish this memory forever. I highly recommend this to all of you girls!!
12:14 AM | | 0 Comments
Okay Okay, I know... I write about Mikayla all the time. But hear me out, I am a stay at home mom, she is my world. So to me, I write about my world lol. Today in my world this crazy silly lil girl I call mine, found an apple...
I had given my niece who called me and said "Aunt Teffie, come get me" (so of course I did, I mean who can turn that lil cutie down) an apple while she was visiting us. Well after a bite or two she got bored with it and wanted to play with the puppie. However Missy Mikayla who apparently had been eyeballing that very apple paid close attention to her cousin. And as soon as the apple was no longer wanted she went right over to it and started munching away. She ate a ton of that apple, now usually I peel and cut her apples up for her. But this time, it was all her. She had so much fun eating that apple and figuring out exactly how/what to do with it. Plus it made for some really cute pictures lol. She would make the funniest faces when she got peel instead of apple. It was so great to watch her discover this fun new treat. Moments like this are the funnest times to be a mom, to watch them learn, grow...to stop there tears, and calm their hearts.
Here are some pictures of Mikayla and her apple...

I can not get over how proud of herself she was. It was a very cute thing to get to watch lol.
Hope yall enjoyed seeing these.
Take care till next time.
10:13 PM | | 0 Comments
Such a big girl!!
I can not believe how big Mikayla is getting. It seems like everyday she is learning new things and putting more things together. I can not believe this is the same baby that they didn't think would make it. She is becoming the person she will be so fast. I am so happy God has chosen me to help her get there.
Here is a pic of her being so proud of herself lol. She looks like a lil wild woman but we had spent all afternoon at the park...\
7:13 PM | | 1 Comments