9 Months and 5 days...
6 Months and 5 Days adjusted....
I can not beleve how fast Mikayla has grown into her own lil person. I look at her and its getting hard to see her as the lil 2.2 pound 14.25 inches long baby she was. She is now 16.2 pounds and 26 inches long. And is really breaking into the toddler she will be. Her adjusted age is the age she is supposed to be, if she wasnt born 3 months early.
and Now...
She has 2 teeth now and is working on another one. She is rolling to go wherever she thinks she needs too, and has started getting up on her knees or up on her hands it wont belong before she figures out to do them at the same time. She can creep forward on her tummy, I cant wait to see her crawl. She loves her baths more then any other game or past time.
She has started sitting up this week. She has also learned to reach for us, which kills me when Im busy and she is reaching for me and I cant pick her up lol. She talks all the time, Im sure her first words will be coming soon... I work on Momma all the time lol. She still only plays at eating solids but is getting better everytime. She hates orange veggies and loves green beans. I am making her baby food which is handy for me and healthier for her. Her development team said that the better she gets at sitting up the better she will be with eating, I guess they come hand in hand. She did have her first taste of a popsickle the other day though...and man she thought that was the coolest thing ever (no pun intended) lol.
She has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 months old (3 months adjusted) and in her own bed even! She has started changing her nap schedule and is taking 2 longer naps instead of the 3 naps, her development team said eventually she will go to 1 long nap. I still check on her 3-4 times a night to make sure she is still breathing...I guess some fears from the NICU are going to take longer to leave me.
Uncovered to show her big girl pajamas...too cute!!
I am hoping to get to take her outside this week and let her toes touch the grass for the first time, and let her meet her dogs now that she can notice them. I cant wait to take her to feed the ducks, fly the kites, and catch butterflies. For so long I have had to keep her sheltered inside away from germs and elements that would cause her too much stress, we have a lot of time to make up for. Once her first birthday comes and goes I will feel even that much better about leaving the preemie past behind us. Well I will hopefully be posting a new blog of all the new things she has learned very soon.
12:57 PM | Labels: Premature baby, update | 0 Comments
Kaykay's new room...
Well we have finished Mikayla's new room, I am happy with it and she seems to really like it too.
What do yall think?
This is the view from the door...
What do yall think?
This is the view from the door...

wall on the left...

going clockwise around room...

these are the shelves i made for her...

her new bedding...

and my sleeping angel enjoying it...
Her curtains I sewed butterflies onto...
I am proud of it. I will love any feedback or new ideas. Love and take care,
12:37 PM | Labels: butterflies, crafting, decorating, nursery | 0 Comments
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