
My life, chaos and all...

Wow..its been awhile!

21 months 2 weeks, and 2 days adjusted....

Her adjusted age is the age she is supposed to be, if she wasn't born 3 months early.

Holy cow!!! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was sitting at the switchboard wondering if I was actually pregnant or not lol. And now just 2 short years later I have the most beautiful, smart, and might I add a spitfire of a lil redhead. We came home weighing in at 5lbs 6 oz, and now 2 years later she weighs in at 27 lbs and is getting crazy tall (she is built like her Daddy...TALL). She is amazing! I wish you all could see some of her attitude and goofy girl antics lol. I loved having the sweet lil baby (dont get me wrong lol she went kinda extreme with the little lol but she has always been a lil lover) and miss it sometimes, however at night right before I lay her down for "nigh nigh" she wants me to rock her in my arms like that lil baby and say "ahhhh sweet baby" over and over until her eyes get heavy. Whats funny is if I stop saying it she starts singing "ahhhhhh" it melts my heart. I still think being a mom is by far the GREATEST thing I will ever do. There are so many things in this life I cant wait to share with her, my daughter, my heart, my Mikayla.

Here are what we call the "Birthday Bear" pictures. I take them about every 3 months, it is awesome to see how much she is growing. I want to continue this tradition until she graduates and then when she has kids I will give it to her. Hope they like pink lol!

3 weeks

3 months

6 months

9 months

1 year

15 months

18 months

2 years

(I am goin to re-shoot this one soon, my camera lens is messed up)

We have only had 1 hospital stay since leaving the NICU and it was because of her "reactive airway" aka bronchial spasms ( i refuse to say asthma lol). Its a common thing to happen any time preemies get sick, even just with allergies. We were only there 2 days then we got to come home. Nothing way serious just not fun at all.

Here is a pic of my lil trooper...

This was the day we were getting to come home. Her cheeks were still red from the tape her nasal O2 was attached with.

Other then that lol she has been great! A few tummy issues but they say everything will work itself out by the time she is 3 and the preemie days are OVER!!! She has all of her teeth and is due to be gettin some more molars in soon!! She is not the least bit picky when it comes to veggies or any other "bites" as long as you don't try to feed her lol. She still gets whole milk just make sure it is flavored with a squirt of strawberry lol, I still have to really stay on top of her diet to make sure she is getting plenty of fiber, iron, vitamin C, and enough fat and calories. She drops weight really easy if you slack off even a day she will drop a pound on ya and her clothes wont fit lol. Boy if she can keep this metabolism into her teen and adult years she will LOVE it lol. We have tested out of all of her development teams. The only thing her doctors say is that she is awesome, and needs to work on her coordination and fine motor skills lol...aka..she is a lil clumsy LOL! But come on! She is 2!!! But we are going to put her in dance as soon as she is potty trained (we are going to start that as soon as we get back from the camping trip this coming week...wish me luck lol) She talks all the time!! She will repeat anything you say and will go off into rants and raves where you can understand about every other word that she is spitting out like a fully automatic weapon!!! She still loves Peek-a-Boo, Patty Cake, and "Where is Kaykay?" and that warms my heart. No matter how big she is getting she is still my babygirl. Her love for dancing and music has grown even more, you can be playing or talking to her and some music will come on and she completely shuts you out and focuses on it until its over. She loves to write or draw especially on her Grandpa's tablet. She loves her sidewalk chalk, and Mommy's stickers lol. She loves being outside and usually plays by herself or with her cousins. She is perfectly content to just play her own game and enjoy her own company. She loves to be inside boxes, tents, even cages lol. I couldn't tell you why, maybe from her days in her days spent in the NICU "box" lol. Okay, enough ramblings...

Here are some pictures:

Mikayla's first visit to her Dentist

(She was listening very intently when he was explaining things to her lol)

Getting to hold his mirror too

She made me so very proud of her and how big she is.

Mikayla loves to help me with the laundry, she insists on putting everything in the washer and dryer by herself, and I better not dare help her or I get in big trouble lol.

(Pictures are fuzzy but they were takin on Eric's phone)

She is my girly girl! She absolutely LOVES to put perfume on and make up and anything else that Mommy gets to use lol!

Ready to do some magic it looks like lol...

My Princess Mikayla

She is getting so big

Isn't she beautiful

Playing in the bouncy thingie that her Aunt Tata got her lol..

Sidewalk chalking with her G-Pa

I told yall...she is a lil spitfire lol!!!

She is the best sous chef in the whole wide world!!!

Getting ready to go to her first car show!!

With her Auntie Julie being a silly girl.

Her faces are getting quite entertaining...

One of her favorite past times with one of her most favorite people!!!

She really, really, really loves her tents.

Helpin her Daddy dig out a fence post.

Shootin some hoops in the backyard.

She loves anything and everything that has to do with water.

Like I said she likes stickers...

And of course Mommy is a good sport lol...

Swimming in or new pool

As you can see we have been quite the busy bunch lol. Her schedule hasnt really changed all that much; bedtime is 8:30 and she wakes up between 9 and 11 in the mornings lol! She takes a nap around 2p.m. and it lasts until about 4. She puts herself to sleep for both her naps and her bedtime. However she insists on sleeping in her playpen, but we are hoping to have her back in her big girl bed very soon.

She doesn't go anywhere without her "silkie"...

Her silkie goes everywhere with us. She might not always need it in her hand but she wants to be able to have it if she does need it lol. This was takin tonight, her hair is even still wet from her bath. She falls right to sleep at bedtime.

I think that about covers most of the things we have to update on. I will be posting her birthday party blog tonight probably if not tomorrow.

sweet sleep to you all
