
My life, chaos and all...

Is it a boy or is it a girl? We find out tomorrow...

Current mood: excited

This is one of the big milestones to being pregnant. So far I have puked my guts out, had to start wearing maternity clothes, heard the heart beat, felt baby move, and tomorrow I get to find out if all of this craziness I am going through is for a little boy or a little or blue..ballet or baseball...bugs or bows..okay Ill stop.
Im doing better now I still havent gained any weight and Im still losing it for a total of 18 lbs lost now but the sickness all the time is easing I think so I should be able to make Doctor Keith happy soon and atleast level out were I dont lose or gain or gain. Baby is growing like crazy though my tummy is getting soo round lol. Baby is quite the outspoken one already he is quick to let me know if he doesnt like the position I am in and he thinks my bladder is a really really cool trampoline lol. But so far I love being pregnant, I love the special bond baby and I have already.
Well I have rambled on enough so post and tell me if you think its a boy or a girl and tomorrow I will post and tell everyone and post up baby's first pictures.
Love Love Love