
My life, chaos and all...

Pictures of the shelves I made for Mikayla out of rain gutters, fabric, and paint...and tools!!

Current mood: pleased

I think they turned out really great. And they are waaaaay sturdy. I started out with a 10 foot section of rain gutter, and enough end caps-L brackets-screws-bolts-fabric-paint to make 5 shelves. and this is the end results YEAAAA!!! I think they turned out awesome and there is no chance of her pulling the "bookshelves" i made for her on top of her, or hitting her head and hurting it because they are plastic and can bend. I am sooo proud of them I got the idea from a literacy teacher who told me children pick out books by what they look like and in traditional bookshelves they cant see what they look like but by making something like this they can pick out there own book and in turn like to read more. I am sooo proud of them lol! And most importantly I got to use POWER TOOLS!!!! I Love it!!!

Here are the links to the shelves: -- with books -- again with books -- empty -- close up of them empty
They look soo awesome with the rest of her stuff and they are not near as bulky as a wooden bookshelf. <3 <3 <3