
My life, chaos and all...

An Oklahoma Kinda Lunch...

I love being from Oklahoma, and I have loved growing up here. Part of growing up in a smaller community has made for some great fun, great traditions, and wonderful friends. My Nanny and Pa had a lot to do with raising us kiddos. My mom and sister tell me that I am going to be the next Nanny. Which is by far the greatest compliment I have ever recieved. I am the stay at home mom in the family. I love to sew, and can sew lol. I love to cook, have even written a cookbook. I am the one that knows all of Nanny's recipes and tips. I love it. My Nanny and Papa are from a different time. A time that I am completely in love with. I love the woman in the kitchen, Man at work style of life. I love to feel like the little woman. Now dont get me wrong I like to be heard and be independent as much as the next woman, but there is just such a sense of pride to know your man is happy and your house is too, you know?

Okay okay, I am getting off of subject here lol. I am writing this because last night I went to visit my momma and she gave me tons of beautiful yellow squash and red tomatos from her garden. They looked and smelled so good I could barely wait to eat them. Now I am usually a griller not a frier, especially when it comes to veggies. However this afternoon I was really wanting a tomato and toast sandwich (my fave food of all times) and needed something kinda salty to go with it. So as I was getting stuff for my sandwich I thought you know...I haven't had fried squash in forever. So I chopped it up and fried it. Man was it awesome! Not as good as grilled but it was wonderful with my sandwich.

Now I know yall are thinking, tomato and toast? fried squash? but yall just dont know what your missing. I took a picture of it for yall to see. The tomatoes were so ripe, and juicy, and beautifully red. And the squash was nice and crunchy with the salty of the little breading and sweet from the squash. MAN!!! It was great.

But enough of that, here is the picture...

Now if any of yall want to taste these for yourself be my guest:

Tomato and Toast Sandwich

about 4 slices of tomato (homegrown taste best)

fatfree mayo (regular if you want it)

wheat bread, toasted

salt and pepper to taste

Build it like a normal sandwich lol.

Fried Squash

However much squash you want, sliced in about 1/2 inch chunks

Salt, pepper, and onion powder to taste

Take equal parts flour and corn meal and seasonings, enough to toss to lightly cover the squash

Put about an inch of oil in your pan and get it hot, then add your squash (not the extra breading). Dont stir it just flip it about every 3-5 minutes or so till golden and tender.

YUMM YUMM YUMM!!! This was such a great treat for lunch!!! This whole lunch just tasted like summer!


AZZITIZZ said...

Never tried fried (or grilled) squash, but have loved tomatoes on toast for years. Yum!

Rational Staff said...

Works even better with "wheat" bread. LOL

JamRock said...

Thanks for the recipe!! Been a while since I've mage myself a sandwich like this!! Life in Paris makes you sometimes forget about the simple wonders of a grilled sandwich on 'normal' bread! lol

Cindy said...

Oh I am in terrible need of fried squash! Thanks for making me hungry! ;)