
My life, chaos and all...

10 months and 1 week...

7 Months and 1 week adjusted....
I look at her and I see my lil girl that my baby is turning into. She is now 17.8 pounds and 27 1/4 inches long. And is really breaking into the toddler she will be. Her adjusted age is the age she is supposed to be, if she wasnt born 3 months early.
She has 3 teeth now, the 2 on the bottom and her new one on the top, which is the left eye tooth. I thought she would get a middle top in first but she is bucking the system and doing things her own way which isnt a surprise lol. She says Daddy now not just DaDa, she also tries to say Gie (Aggie is her puppy and she calls them by yelling GIE!!), she tries to say TaTa (her Aunt Tata is my sister Krista--I couldnt say Krista when I was little), she tries to say Lolu (I love you), and she says Hi and waves. The little stinker still wont say Momma unless she is fussing.
She is lil Miss Independent. She wants to hold her bottle herself now, and only wants help if she is sleepy. She wants to feed herself and eats anything we do just in tiny bits. She loves spinach and tomatoes the most. She rolls all the time, however if she was patient she would realize she could crawl but she just doesnt have that kind of time lol.
Here are some pics from today:

This is Kaykay and her blanket, it is the only thing she WILL NOT share with Baxbax. I love the middle one where she is looking at me like "what? you have never seen a baby eat before?" LoL she is such a silly girl.
She wants to be going non-stop which is soo much better then the preemie days of wanting to sleep all the time and reacting from to much stimulation. Here she is hamming it up for the camera with Daddy:

She loves having her picture taken, she also wants to figure out everything: what it does, how its made, what if feels/taste like, etc...

She loves her Baxbax and gets really concerened when he cries or if someone is doing something with him:

She laughs alot now, she thinks we are a bunch of nuts. She has such a tiny lil laugh. It is so funny when she gets tickled at something, or just tickeled:

We went swimming the other day at the gym and man she was in heaven. It was by far the funnest thing she thinks she has ever done. She absolutely loves the water! Not crazy about the life jacket but she will wear it if it lets her stay in the pool longer. She didnt stop kicking her feet the whole time! She is my lil fishie!!

We went and got a new car seat for Kaykay, one without a bar and one for the other car. She was in a bigger seat already however it had the bar that went across her lap and she didnt like it. She thinks this is so cool, I cant wait till she is big enough to turn around and have a whole new world open up to her!

Here we are at Sam's, we had to grab diapers and some other essentials lol. She loves Daddy's hat, if she isnt trying to eat it she is trying to wear it lol.

That is about all we have been up to lately, besides just being silly here at home. I am enjoying being able to get out of the house with her more now (if you couldnt tell). I cant wait until we can start going to church again, just 1 more week!! I will leave yall with this picture of my sweet baby taking a nap, she is getting so big.
