
My life, chaos and all...

First real booboo...

Okay so even though Kaykay was born so early and had tons of poking and prodding done to her I have never considered any of those actuall booboos. Well the other day when Eric was playing with the little Roley Poley, that is my daughter she rolled into the entertainment center and got her first bruise. It was never very dark and has lightened up now that it is on day 3 of having it I decided I should blog it. I am so thankful it was nothing worse, however I know those days are fast aproaching...I wonder if you can buy bubble wrap in bulk?...

See the ever faint mark on her left cheek about an inche below her eye? Its hardly noticeable now but it is her first booboo and I felt it needed documenting.
Take care all and watch out for entertainment centers, they bite...