
My life, chaos and all...

Wedding Ring of Death...not for the faint of heart...or stomach...(really its not that bad)

So, I have a VERY nice hubby who has VERY good taste in jewelry. Well 14 hours before I had Mikayla I started swelling EVERYWHERE I was getting huge...well we didnt get my rings off fast enough and my wedding ring had to be cut off. We are talking into 6 pieces, however the diamonds were left alone. So we get home and decide to have it saudered together while its already being repaired.
Well that is all great, however the jeweler must have used nickle to sauder it so now when I wear it, this happens...

And we aren't talking about wearing it for hours and this happening, we are talking like 5 minutes. This is left over from wearing it for an hour on Easter. It sucks, so I need to go back to the jewelers show them my finger and ask them to fix it using the rest of the ring.