
My life, chaos and all...

This week we are playing with TEXTURES!!!

We are learning about new and diffrent textures this week, and man are we having some fun!!!
We started with "sticky". I used melted chocolate since babies cant have honey and wow....

I was also giving her strawberries and peaches to munch but she loved chocolate, she is her mommies baby lol.

And a cookie too...

And the sugar rush after... lol

Luckily it didnt last long, it was definately worth it.

Today was 'soft, loose" I was supposed to use flour but I used powdered sugar..I didnt want her eating flour lol. Again it was a succes, she had a blast. I gave her a measuring cup and pastry brush to play in it...and the guys gave her a cookie to dip... lol

The after math of this one wasnt near as messy as the chocolate but I am glad we are doing this with her, babies learn from the simplist things.

Next we are going to play with "rough" and I think I am going to either use farina or brown sugar. Then fluffy, smooth, squishy, and finally wet, and dry. I love getting to have the time to do these lil things with her.