
My life, chaos and all...

Wii is the best! Especially when you get everyone together... (pictures)

My best friend got a Wii and they are the most fun I have ever had with a video game. You get to actually play the game. We are talking swing a bat, pitch a ball, throw a bowling ball, do surgeries, cook, play ping pong, fish, and the list goes on! We had soo much fun last night. That and we finished the night with Scattegories another fun game for any ages.
Did yall know they are even putting Wiis into nursing homes for elderly to get to play and have some physical activity, and who knows bowl just one more game or catch one last fish, I think tha tis the greatest idea of any!!!
Well I will quit jabbering away and show yall the action shots from last night...we were bowling.
(I was behind the scenes with the camera this time but I will get yall an action shot of me next time lol)

Eric was up first...
Then Steve-O Supreme-O

And then lil miss Erica!!

I would also like to add that Erica kicked our butts at boxing...she is fiesty!!
Well thats all till next time, in the mean time...GET OUT AND PLAY!!!